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La timida ragazza però ben presto rivelerà la sua vera indole e farà sprofondare i perversi compagni e la madre psicopatica in un vortice di terrore e distruzione. Quando Sue si reca a portare fiori sulla disprezzata tomba di Carrie, dal suolo una mano insanguinata………. The only adult authority figure who tries to help Carrie with her life is her phys ed teacher, Miss Collins, who is nonetheless warned not to get too close to go against how Mrs. Carrie e Tommy vengono proclamati la più bella coppia della festa ma quando sono sul palco vengono sommersi da sangue di maiale. Please contact us in such a case and we will take serious action within 2 days. Carrie, adolescente complessata e con una madre bigotta e fanatica senza preavviso e sotto la doccia di uno spogliatoio femminile, scopre le sue prime mestruazioni. White Visits eng 00:12:27,455-00:16:42,919: Carrie's Sins eng 00:16:42,919-00:19:07,605: The Mirror eng 00:19:07,605-00:21:29,788: Beautiful Poem eng 00:21:29,788-00:25:34,867: The Punishment eng 00:25:34,867-00:26:49,733: 1-2-3-4 eng 00:26:49,733-00:29:19,383: Telekinesis eng 00:29:19,383-00:30:08,974: The Favour eng 00:30:08,974-00:33:03,523: Heatwave eng 00:33:03,523-00:35:48,271: Billy eng 00:35:48,271-00:39:06,177: The Pep Talk eng 00:39:06,177-00:41:32,740: Why? Carrie, ricorrendo al potere telecinetico di cui sa di essere fornita, provoca un incendio in cui periscono colpevoli e innocenti. Her mother, Margaret White, is a religious fanatic, her extreme views primarily targeted against sex, which she believes is a sin. She even believes natural associated processes such as menstruation are a sin, about which she has refused to mention to Carrie.

Description Carrie - Lo sguardo di satana Trama: Dal romanzo 1974 di Stephen King. Carrie, adolescente complessata e con una madre bigotta e fanatica senza preavviso e sotto la doccia di uno spogliatoio femminile, scopre le sue prime mestruazioni. Viene derisa dalle compagne e poi difesa dalla professoressa Collins, che punirà le ragazze con faticosi esercizi fisici. Se Sue Snell si pentirà, convincendo il suo ragazzo a portare Carrie al ballo di fine anno, Chris Hargenson organizzerà un brutto scherzo ai danni della ragazza, la quale però, dotata di misteriosi poteri telecinetici, si vendicherà... It's nearing the end of the school year. High school senior Carrie White is a social outcast, largely due to being unwise to the ways of the world based on her upbringing. Her mother, Margaret White, is a religious fanatic, her extreme views primarily targeted against sex, which she believes is a sin. She even believes natural associated processes such as menstruation are a sin, about which she has refused to mention to Carrie. White's beliefs were taken to that extreme largely because of her own failed marriage and her husband Ralph long ago having run off with another woman. The only adult authority figure who tries to help Carrie with her life is her phys ed teacher, Miss Collins, who is nonetheless warned not to get too close to go against how Mrs. White chooses to raise Carrie, Mrs. White whose beliefs are well known in the community. An impromptu event that happens among Carrie's phys ed classmates against her leads to her classmates being punished. One of those students,... White Visits eng 00:12:27,455-00:16:42,919: Carrie's Sins eng 00:16:42,919-00:19:07,605: The Mirror eng 00:19:07,605-00:21:29,788: Beautiful Poem eng 00:21:29,788-00:25:34,867: The Punishment eng 00:25:34,867-00:26:49,733: 1-2-3-4 eng 00:26:49,733-00:29:19,383: Telekinesis eng 00:29:19,383-00:30:08,974: The Favour eng 00:30:08,974-00:33:03,523: Heatwave eng 00:33:03,523-00:35:48,271: Billy eng 00:35:48,271-00:39:06,177: The Pep Talk eng 00:39:06,177-00:41:32,740: Why? eng 00:41:32,740-00:45:02,867: Acceptance eng 00:45:02,867-00:48:28,572: No! eng 00:48:28,572-00:49:42,396: The Bucket eng 00:49:42,396-00:53:03,764: Everbody's Talkin' eng 00:53:03,764-00:55:32,287: All Gonna Laugh eng 00:55:32,287-00:58:46,064: Are You Scared?

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